Chemical Analysis of Metals, Alloys and Welded Joints.

Chemical Analysis of Metals, Alloys and Welded Joints.

Chemical Analysis of the material plays the vital role which help to material or certain required properties and application. With the use of high-cost ophisticated spectrometers of Optical Emission, Glow Discharge, X-Ray Fluorescence, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Metalab can achieve needs of chemical analysis of up to 99.99% accuracy, all under one roof. High precision and accuracy is ensured by use of International Certified Reference Materials. Customer need of the special material analysis and condition of the working material on site is now possible and can analysed all kind of metals without interruption actual working process.

Chemical analysis is analysed on below Equipments:

  • Optical Emission Spectroscopy
  • In situ Optical Emission Spectroscopy
  • Positive Material Analysis (PMI)

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